For part 3 of our scenes from a Fit series we pulled from one of the most important and influential films of our times. Can you identify the movie? Visit the contact us page on our web site, submit the answer by 8/31/08 and you could win 1 of 5 Honda Merchandise Gift Packs worth $50 each.* We will be releasing 1 of these videos a month up to the 2009 Fit release on October 2nd. Good luck!

NEED A HINT? This movie was not influential or important. It was very funny though and it was released in the 80's. Good luck!
Episode #132 HD MOV - 16.7 MB (HD 1280x720 Quicktime)
Episode #132 MOV - 8.22 MB (640x360 Quicktime)
Episode #132 WMV - 5.06 MB (640x360 Windows Media)
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*The winners will be selected randomly out of a hat from all successful submissions. 1 correct response will be accepted per customer. The winners will be notified on September 1st. No previous purchase is required.