So you put out 99 episodes, you make plans for a special filming event, and what do you get? A swift kick to the mouth apparently. The only thing left to do is make the best of the situation you are presented with, and that is what we did. So we took your questions to Bob's hotel room and filmed our podcast there. This is not the venue we arranged but we didn't have another option (more details in the podcast). Part 1 is an introduction to the gang as requested by several viewers. We chat about our Honda history, backgrounds and tell a few stories as well. Part 2, which will be posted tomorrow, dives into a wide range of your submitted questions. But for now meet Bob, Ian, Paul, Kel, Micha, and Vizzo (kind of).

Episode #100 Part 1 MOV - 140.0 MB (Large 640x480 Quicktime)
Episode #100 Part 1 MP4 - 99.5 MB (Small 320x240 Quicktime)
Episode #100 Part 1 WMV - 102.0 MB (640x480 Windows Media)
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